Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Grimskull--The Return

Grimskull----The Return

Fantastic power metal with an old school vibe on this Ep.
I hear all the elements of that new wave of heavy metal influence and a touch of modern shredding. Vocals remind me of early STRYPER and FASTWAY. Yes it is that good. Grimskull is a 3 piece outfit that plays and sounds like a five piece. Very good production and the overall sound is one of excitement and precision metal making.

 It is all here, shredding guitars, pounding bass lines, drums from hell and over the top vocals. It would seem that wherever GRIMSKULL went and then returned from they brought all the gods of true metal with them. Get this EP and crank it loud as hell.
Best track----"Dream Master"
10/10 Wolf Howls

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